All Things HF…

Gosh! 4 days in a row with no sunspots making DX a bit difficult if not impossible. I managed to get my DX fix whenever I sat down at my station so it wasn’t that bad plus…all the good rag chewing was super enjoyable as usual.

This station is active and has been since HF privileges were awarded back in 96-97. If bragging rights are allowed, there are over 13,000 QSO’s in my electronic log and another 6,000 in my paper logs. It seems like a very long time ago since I took my novice test followed by the technician test. I quickly realized that getting on HF depended on passing my element 1A test which was the dreaded CW part required for technician plus and 10-meter privileges. At that time (1997) during sun cycle 23, 10-meters was the king of the bands. One could operate the world with a simple wire antenna. The emission privileges at that time were from 28.300 to 28.500 for us new guys. I passed the 5 WPM CW after studying code for 6 months and this opened the window to the world of DX for me on SSB.

I knew that if I was to be successful and get the coveted DXCC awards…I needed to get my General ticket. I breezed through the exam but there was one other thing waiting in the wings and it was CW requirement at 13 WPM. I started the learning process of operating CW at 13 WPM when the FCC dropped the mode as a requirement for licensing…whoopee, I was a General with HF operating privileges on all bands. I opened the window and tossed the CW as far as it would go. Good riddance!

Fast forward to the new century when I had worked and confirmed 225 countries and entities. I was getting on in years and I felt that I was missing something in this great hobby and that something was ‘CHARLIE WHISKY’ as some of the old timers called CW. An order was placed for an MFJ code tutor…when it arrived, we became pretty good buddies for the next several months. Somewhere along the way I was able to copy 10 WPM and send at 13+ WPM with my new paddle. I also ordered a software decoder program and installed a remote key pad that was programmed to send my call sign.

About a month or so after my 80th birthday I worked an ATNO and my very first DX contact using CW. What a great moment for me. By July of last year my DXCC credits were at 310 worked and confirmed with half of those 80 new ones using CW. DX is easy using CW if it’s a station looking for 5 band DXCC or a DXpedition…as soon as my call is confirmed I send ‘TU UR 5NN TU’ and I’m in the log. Its been a long enjoyable journey from the beginning to this point in time and I wanted to share it with you.

If I can learn CW, you can learn CW, just do it. Remember, take time to sit down at your station and call CQ, someone somewhere is listening…don’t disappoint them.

So long from Huntersville for now, 73 es gud DX from Bob/W0ZPE.

April 2017 BAARC Secretary Report


President: Steve Mott NØCRM
Vice President: John Luce WØWY
Treasurer: Doug Bergsnev WØDWB
Secretary: Ron Finger KØGOP
Past Presidents: Charles Lane W5CCL, Al Doree WØRC
Director At Large: Lyle Amundson KØLFV
Director of Emergency Communications: Dave Schuldheisz KØISZ
Repeater Trustee: Mitch Ahrenstorff ADØHJ
Community & Special Events Coordinator: TJ Graves KØTEG 

Attendees: Steve NØCRM, Ron KØGOP, Al WØRC, Shirley KØDCW, Mitch ADØHJ, Dave KØISZ, and Nick WØNY. The President opened the Board Meeting at 4:12 PM.

Secretary’s Report: Membership roster shows 89 members with 60 paid for 2017. The Club roster can be found on the Club website under the “Resources/Members Only” area. Current paid members can request an individual password for access via the “Contact Us” form. The March 2017 meeting minutes were posted to the “Club Blog” area. A thank you letter was sent to Art NØTNJ for donated items to the Club. Motion to accept Al WØRC, Second Mitch ADØHJ, Passed. 

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was sent to the board showing all month’s account transactions and balances to date. Motion to accept: Dave KØISZ, Second Al WØRC, Passed. 

Membership Meeting Program: The President reviewed recent and future Club programs and events. The upcoming Spring Dinner speaker/program was discussed.

Upcoming Events: The Brainerd Jaycees “Run For The Lakes” marathon: Saturday April 29, 2017, the “Breezy Point Fly-in”: Saturday May 6, 2017, and the “Tour of the Lakes” bike ride: Saturday June 3, 2017 were noted. John has arranged Club use of the CWC Sheriff’s Office Comm trailer for all events.

Digital & Emergency Communications: Dave KØISZ reported 21 check-ins for the SKYWARN Test Net. Al WØRC reported that KØNWS at NWS-Duluth has successfully tested the new WIRES-X mode connection with the BAARC repeaters. We will now have better access to contact the team at NWS Duluth. Al also reported the 443.925 repeater is on the air at the Gull Lake site. A future WIRES-X workshop was discussed for several interested SKYWARN-NCS members.

Old Business: High-rise remote base antenna site: Club has installed a new HF antenna, but the resonance is not as good as hoped. Gull lake Internet and tower site: We are still waiting for Hubbard Broadcasting to continue their progress towards making a space for us in the newer building.

New Business: Ron KØGOP will finish the order for the New Club safety vests started by TJ KØTEG. The vest order was confirmed and will be supplemented with several additional “spares” for future sale to interested members. Total order will be 40 nylon mesh vests including a dozen spares for $15 each. A finish date in mid-May is anticipated.

The Laurel Amateur Radio Club (LARC) Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) is one of 14 VECs that have entered into an agreement with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to serve as a VEC. The board discussed the advantages in adding this avenue for Amateur Radio testing, and Nick WØNY agreed to serve as the Club Team Leader. Motion to appoint Nick WØNY as the Club Laurel-VEC Team Leader: Steve NØCRM, Second Mitch ADØHJ, Passed. 

The Board Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 PM.


The President opened the Club membership business meeting at 7 PM with 27 members and guests present. Teachers Jim Reed and Cory Olson along with a veteran class member, gave a presentation on the Forestview High Altitude Balloon Class and their recent launch successes. Al WØRC was presented with a framed high-altitude photo in appreciation of his and XYL Shirley KØDCW’s dedicated support of the class since it’s inception several years ago. Following door prizes and refreshments, a short business meeting was held.

–Respectfully submitted by Ron KØGOP, Secretary

Brainerd Jaycees Run for the Lakes Marathon

The BAARC worked communications for the Tenth Anniversary of the “Run For The Lakes Marathon” held on Saturday, April 29, 2017. The BAARC has provided communications for all ten years of the Marathon.

Saturday’s activities began at 8:01 AM from the Nisswa Community Center. We had ten radio operators working different locations. Doug WØDWB, Mitch ADØHJ, Roger WØWUG, Charles W5CCL, Carlos NØOHX and Mark KEØLFQ all worked different water stops. Dave KØISZ worked a relay exchange area. Al WØRC worked the start line and was our course rover. Terry KIØFW and Shirley KØDCW worked net control from the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s trailer. Thank You to the sheriff for letting us use their trailer.

We had ~365 runners with no serious injuries and with great running weather.

The RFTL Marathon organizers thank the BAARC radio operators for the excellent job we did again this year.

Thank You!

2017 BAARC Hamfest

The BAARC hosted another successful Hamfest this year. As in the past it was held at the Brainerd National Guard Armory facility.

We had a fantastic set-up and tear-down crew.

Lyle and Al co-chaired the event and handled much of the planning.

Charles and Kathy took over kitchen duties with help from others.

VE testing was provided again as well.

Dave once again handled the PA and ran the announcements as in the past.

Steve and Mitch went to all the repeater sites on Friday and collected our old repeaters (2 of which were sold!)

And true to form…and a true story… a family of about 8 showed up just as we finished cleaning up and packing things away….they asked if they missed the Ham Fest….Steve asked them if they knew what a Hamfest was… they were looking for the Ham Dinner. (N0CRM)…

Thanks everyone for all the help, I am sure we missed a few names here.