United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club meeting and After Holidays Dinner January 30, 2003

The BAARC held it's monthly meeting at the Nisswa American Legion Club.  Arrangements for the dinner and many door prizes were handled by Sharon KBØSQX and Jim KCØANQ.  About 50 people attended the event.  

Bob Feuer WØZPE was honored, by the Club, for his numerous contributions to BAARC.  (l-r) BAARC President, Al WØRC and Bob WØZPE.  
Bob WØZPE receives award: It was my pleasure to present a personal award to Bob for his outstanding contributions to the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. It is a genuine chrome-plated Astatic microphone. The design dates back to the 1950’s and it is a real collector’s item. No vintage ham shack is complete without one.

As Past President of the Club, I first met Bob in 1997 on the Brainerd 147.03 repeater. Bob was new to Amateur Radio, but had enthusiasm. When I asked him to be Club Treasurer, he gladly accepted the position and responsibility. He has held that position ever since along with working

tirelessly to better the Club. Bob donated an MG car, which he helped sell to raise money for the Club. More recently he has handled the food service at the Brainerd Area Hamfests, helped with special events, worked on the Club Communications Trailer, and is the Sunday Night Net Coordinator. He often donates equipment and half of another car. His Hungry Horse Ranch will be the site of a new digital repeater. Thanks...Bob...for being a real ham and resource for the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. Mark WØMH 

Ken KAØJSW was honored for his many years as Public Event Coordinator for the Club.  (l-r) BAARC President, Al WØRC and Ken KAØJSW.  
(l-r) BAARC President Al WØRC presented an award to Kenton Spalding.

The featured speaker was author/researcher Kenton Spading. Over the last 10 years, Mr. Spading has been investigating what happened to the renowned aviatrix Amelia Earhart during her final flight in 1937.  His book is Amelia Earhart's Shoes...Is the Mystery solved? and the publisher is Altamira Press.  

See Links:  http://www.tighar.org, http://www.altamirapress.com, and http://www.amazon.com

Thanks to Orcy WØQT for arranging the presentation. 

What Happened to Amelia Earhart?

The featured speaker at the January 2003 BAARC dinner was Earhart author and researcher Kenton Spading.  Over the last 10 years, Mr. Spading has been investigating what happened to the renowned aviatrix Amelia Earhart during her final flight in 1937.

Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, disappeared over the Pacific ocean in 1937 while attempting to fly around the world.  Their fate remains one of the great mysteries of the 20th century and one that continues to hold the interest of people worldwide.  Mr. Spading and The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) have uncovered a number of very interesting clues which may someday led to the resolution of the mystery.

Mr. Spading's illustrated presentation will include the backgrounds of Earhart and Noonan, a description of why the New Guinea to Howland

Island leg of the flight (in which the plane went down) was the most dangerous leg of the flight, the importance of radio in route finding during this leg of the flight, the mishaps in regard to radio use and equipment that resulted in failed radio communications, a description of research methods into the disappearance of the flight, and presentation of evidence that suggests that the flyers may have landed and died on an uninhabited island in the Pacific ocean.

Mr. Spading is a hydrologic engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District.  During his spare time, he has participated in Earhart-related expeditions to the Pacific islands of Nikumaroro and Kanton and has conducted archival research all over the world in an effort to investigate the disappearance.  He recently co-authored a book titled “Amelia Earhart’s Shoes:  Is the Mystery Solved?"  Orcy WØQT

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