Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. |
Volunteer Examiner Testing Session October 19, 2004 |
An ARRL VEC Test Session was held Tuesday October 19th in Brainerd. | |
Ten people tested on Tuesday and eight passed the
Technician Class exam. Seven are shown in this photo.
Those passing included: David J. Fournier of Ironton, Laura Lockwood of Brainerd, Linda Anderson of Crosby, Brian Blom of Deerwood, Steven Kaiser of Baxter, Paul Henson of Brainerd, Jackie Och of Long Prairie, and Jonathan Davis of Brainerd, MN. All but Jonathan were in in a class taught by Al WØRC. |
Brian Blom of Deerwood, MN, is happy guy showing off his CSCE (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination). |
Dean Ceminsky Webmaster's Comment: Thanks, Al, for teaching the class. You are a great Elmer. |
News Flash 10/24/04: Licenses Issued |
David Fournier KCØTGT of Ironton, Laura
Lockwood KCØTGO of Brainerd, Linda Anderson KCØTGP of Crosby, Brian
Blom KCØTGS of Deerwood, Dean Ceminsky KCØTGK of Brainerd, Steven
Kaiser KCØTGR of Baxter, Paul Henson KCØTGM of Brainerd, Jackie Och
KCØTGQ of Long Prairie, and Jonathan Davie KCØTGN of Brainerd.
Congratulations to those who passed their exams and my thanks to Volunteer Examiners Al WØRC, Bob KGØZK, Mark WØMH, Terry KIØFW, and Dan AAØNK for their help.
VE testing Laison, Jim Barry WØIRE
This page was last updated 12/19/2006