United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Thank-You to Donors

The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club, Inc. is a 501C3 non-profit corporation.  Any contributions are gratefully appreciated and are tax deductible. Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
Treasurer - John Myers W3MQD
34570 Beaver Trail
Pequot Lakes, MN 56

Club President 
Lyle Amundson 
Vice President
Jim Talbott 
Sharon Duit
John Myers 
Repeater Trustee
Fritz Bertelt 
Director at Large
John Luce 
Thanks to the following for their donations to the  
Brainerd Area Hamfest on July 16, 2005:

Applebee's Restaurant at 15240 Dellwood Drive in Baxter.  218-833-1405.  http://applebees.com   1  $10 Gift Certificate

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 560 Delwood Drive north in Baxter and 122 C Street NE in Brainerd.  218-829-1325.  http://www.kfc.com  1 Buffet with drink

Craguns Conference and Golf Resort on the west side of Gull Lake north of Brainerd/Baxter, MN.  http://www.craguns.com   218-825-2700.  50% off golf for two including cart.

Bonanza   Restaurant at 650 Dellwood Drive. North, Baxter, MN.  828-1415    4  $5 gift certificates

Mills Fleet Farm  300 Dellwood Drive North in Baxter, MN.  http://www.fleetfarm.com  218-829-1565   1  $25 gift certificate

Radiall Larsen  Vancouver, WA.  http://www.radialllarsen.com  1-800-ANTENNA.  1 certificate for any mobile antenna from their catalog.

Batteries Plus 14775 Edgewood Drive, Baxter, MN.   http://www.batteriesplus.com  218-824-8888  2  $25 gift certificate

Menards 15236 Dellwood Drive Drive North, Baxter, MN.   http://menards.com  218-825-7300  1  folding insulated cooler

Northwind Grille  603 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN.  218-829-1551  3  $5 gift certificates  

ARRL  Newington, CT.   http://www.arrl.org   1 - DVD and 2 - Books

They support us, please support them.

Link to the Hamfest Page          

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø