the regular business meeting, BAARC Secretary,
Darrell ABØVP,
read two Christmas poems about Hamming. You can read them too at:
http://brainerdham.org/ham-christmas.html |
Dan AAØNK discusses antennas with BAARC
Treasurer John W3MQD. |
Wynn KA3DQN and
admire the sweatshirt worn by Eldon WØMQO.
The shirt has an ice fishing house with antennas.
(l-r) Of
course, the ladies were there too. They included (l-r)
Paula WØHA,
Lyle KØLFV's wife Marilyn, John WØJGY's
wife Terri, and John
W3MQD's wife VI. |
Back in the kitchen,
Shirley KØDCW
is posing with Terry KIØFW.