United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Hamfest July 20, 2002 
Put on by The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club

   The kitchen work starts the day before the Hamfest.  Sharon KBØSQX and Bob WØZPE are in the kitchen cutting onions for the famous Cactus Bobs Chili Bowl.  At $2.00 each he sold out the entire 4 gallons.   
   Talk-in was done by Terry KIØFW (not shown), Jim KBØTXT at the microphone, and Jim WAØAXB.  
   The Brainerd National Guard Armory is on the southeast side of Brainerd.
   Sign-ins were handled (l-r) by Shirley KCØDCW and Ken KAØJSW.  In the back part of the photo are the Hamfest Co-Chairs (l-r) Jim KCØANQ and Al WØRC.  They are BAARC Vice-President and President respectively.  
   The floor was a busy place.  It is shown here just after the crowd was let in.  There were a total of 218 paid admissions.  About 45 vendor tables were sold and about 320 raffle tickets.   
   Just inside the door was a table with donuts and brownies.  (l-r) were Sharon KBØSQX, Terry KIØFW, and Shirley KCØDCW.
   What Hamfest would be complete without representation from the American Radio Relay League.  (l-r) BAARC member Marv WØYHE swaps DX stories with Frank Karnauskas N1UW.  Frank is the ARRL affiliated club coordinator for the area.  
   Donuts...get your donuts and coffee.  (l-R) Orcy WØQT and Kali Bergman run a food cart around to the tables.  
   June KCØNGL handed out Handi-Ham literature.  June graduated from classes held by the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club this winter and became a ham at the VE testing that followed.  As a Handi-Ham herself, she enjoys communicating with others via the radio.  

   June is a retired radio broadcaster who spent 20 years on the air at KVBR Radio in Brainerd.  She is the mother of Past Club President, Mark WØMH

   (l-r) Bob WØZPE serving his famous chili to John KØJO.  The chili was definitely a hit.  
   Jim KCØANQ at the podium announcing prizes.  Jim is Vice President of the club and has agreed to be the Chairman of the next Brainerd Area Hamfest, which is scheduled for July 19, 2003.  Stay tuned for details.  
   The 2 meter hand held radio was a happy guy and thanked BAARC President Al WØRC (on the right).
      Jim Shubert KCØANQ will be the Chairman of next year's Brainerd Area Hamfest which is scheduled for July 19, 2003.  See you there.

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On the web 4 PM 7/20/2002
This page was last updated 12/19/2006