United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

VE Testing....April 29, 2003

VE testing was held Tuesday evening, April 29, 2003 at Central Lakes College. Eleven people tested. 
Shown on the left, is Dan Selinger AAØNK. Dan taught the Beginner Ham Class this winter. Of his students, four passed the Technician exam. Left to right they are Logan Mohs, Marilyn LaCourse, Scott French, and John Fillmore. Watch for their licenses and new callsigns to appear soon. Hopefully they will become members of the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.  
The Volunteer Examiners were coordinated by Jim Barry WAØAXB. He is shown on the left. Next to him are Dick Brundridge WØECJ, Instructor of the Extra Class Course Al Doree WØRC, Pat Brundridge WØETY, Instructor of the Tehcnician Class Course Dan Selinger AAØNK, BAARC Repeater Trustee Fritz Bertelt WØKO, and BAARC Fox Hunt Chairman Terry May KIØFW.

Congratulations to Sharon Duit KBØSQX for passing the Amateur Extra Class written test. Sharon is the Sunshine Chairman for the Club. She passed her code test a month or two ago.

Also becoming an Extra was BAARC Vice President and Hamfest Co-Chairman Jim Shubert KCØANQ. Jim is a tireless worker for the club.


Jim Barry WAØAXB, BAARC VE Testing Chairman. Roger Witt KBØUUN passed the General and Extra Class written exams.

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This page was last updated 12/19/2006  Ø