United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Club Membership Meeting....Thursday, February 23, 2006

Jim WØIRE, Paula WØHA, and Darrell ABØVP 
BAARC President Lyle KØLFV and Steve WØTNT.
"The Johns."  Jon KBØMNM, John KØJO, John WØJGY, and John W3MQD
Skee WØDCY, and Past President Mark WØMH discussing their U.S. Army experiences with the AN/MPQ-4 Weapons Support Radar.  Skee was an operator, stationed in Germany in the early 1960's, and Mark was a repairman, stationed in Vietnam in the late 1960's.
Past BAARC Presidents Al WØRC and John WØJGY brought club members up to date on the new antenna at St. Joseph's Hospital in Brainerd, the new antennas at the Cuyuna Range Regional Hospital in Crosby, the Crosslake repeater upgrade, and antennas at the Brainerd High-Rise apartment building. It was a very good informational meeting.


Jim Talbott
& Program

The March 30th meeting will be in Room 806 at the Brainerd High School South Campus building  This is the building we have been meeting in (Mississippi Horizons School), but it has been remodeled and renamed.  We meet at 7 PM with the presentation at 8 PM.  The topic of the evening will be electrical safety presented by Wayne Bentler and Rob Moser from Crow Wing Coop Power and Light. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  Hope to see you there.

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This page was last updated 01/06/2007  Ø