United We Stand  

Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club  

Tour of the Lakes Bicycle Ride on Saturday, June 3,  2006
Steve WØTNT BAARC Co-Coordinator for this event. Terry KIØFW, Co-Coordinator for this event.
Al WØRC BAARC APRS Coordinator for this event. John WØJGY, Public Service Event Director.


The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club provided communications for the 17th Annual Tour of the Lakes Bike Ride.

Almost 1,200 bikers enjoyed beautiful scenery and weather as they rode through the Brainerd Lakes Area on Saturday, June 3rd. The Paul Bunyan Cycle Club offered bikers a choice between a 37 and a 68 mile loop, both located in the Gull Lake area. Riders started at 6:00 AM and the last ones finished around 3:00 PM. There were no accidents or serious incidents.  As usual, the flawless performance of our members help make this event the most successful ride to date. The following is a listing of BAARC members and their involvement:

Steve     WØTNT      Net Control
Terry      KIØFW       Net Control
George   KCØBH       Net Control
Al          WØRC         APRS Mgr         Rover  
John      WØJGY       Sag 1 (Head Sagwagon)
Lyle       KØLR          Sag 2                
Alan       AAØAS       APRS Rover              
Shirley    KCØDCW    Sag 3                
Roger     WØWUG      APRS Rover    
Kathy     KØTHY         APRS Biker      
Lyle       KØLFV        Shadow            
Dave      KCØTGT       77/18                 Rover          
Jim        WØJDS        Northern Rover (CR#29)
John      W3MQD       Dam Rest          Kelly's Rest
Bob       KGØZK         Kelly's Rest        Sylvan Rest    
Greg      NØLJY          HW 210 E          77/18              
Joe        NØUME        Dam Rest          Sylvan Rest    

Bold = Those who were involved with the planning, set-up, and organizing of the event.

Lyle KØLFV and Terry KIØFW

Some of the many colorful bikers 

Joe NØUME mobile

John WØJGY and John W3MQD

Steve WØTNT and George KCØBH in Net Control.

Kathy KØTHY and her bike mobile

Al WØRC in Net Control

Thanks to George KCØBH for the photos



Steve WØTNT, Event Co-Coordinator
Terry KIØFW, Event Co-Coordinator
Al WØRC, Event APRS Manager.
John WØJGY, BAARC Public Service Event Director

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This page was last updated 12/31/2006  Ø