Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
Brainerd Area Hamfest Saturday, July 14, 2007 |
A wide-angle view of a portion of the Brainerd National Guard Armory where the Hamfest was held. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
The kitchen crew was busy getting food ready for hungry Hams. (l-r) Shirley KØDCW, Paula WØHA, John WØJGY, and Vi, wife of John W3MQD. John is seen wearing an ARRL T-shirt from the recent Field Day. The chili lunch was made by Brian KKØBSB. Brian's chili won an award at the Annual Chili Cook-Off in Brainerd. |
At 9 AM sharp, they are off!! Hams rush in to see and get the bargains awaiting them. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
One of the first purchases of the day was a new Icom 706MKIIG HF Transceiver from Radio City. Our thanks to Radio City for being a consistent supporter of the Brainerd Area Hamfest. |
I was looking for RG-11/U cable. It is 75 Ohms. Do you see any in there? |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
Some tables had many vintage items including those being sold by John KØJO, pictured on the left side of the photo. |
Fritz WØKO spent much of his time selling raffle tickets for the drawing. It is great fun and a money raiser for the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
(l-r) Al Dieken, a regular attendee and seller at the Brainerd Area Hamfest, Art NØTNJ, and Al WØRC. Al has been the coordinator of the Hamfest for seven years. |
Lyle KØLR, Greg NØLJY, and Greg's dad Skee WØDCY took turns manning the Handi-Ham table. Handi-Ham runs Courage Center near Walker, MN, helping disabled people. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
On the left is Frank N1UW. He is MN Section Emergency Coordinator for the ARRL. In the middle is Skip KSØJ, ARRL MN Section Manager. On the right is John W3FAF, ARRL MN Section Technical Coordinator and Official Observer Coordinator. |
Hamfests are always great for meeting friends for an eyeball QSO. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
(l-r) At the rear entry door to the Hamfest were Curt NØCRM, Al KCØGWB, and Ed KAØEXB at the rear door to the Hamfest. |
Donn ADØN showed up from Brooklyn Park, MN, to make hats for many of the Hams. |
Friends get together to see each other and buy Ham supplies. |
Pat WØOPW showed his antenna modeling software to a number of customers at the Hamfest. Pat's company is NEC2GO. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
John WØJGY was the Master of Ceremonies for part of the Hamfest giving away many door prizes. Mark WØMH and Dave KCØTGT helped too. The PA system was donated by Dave KBØVYI. |
And the winner is....Del KØDEJ from St. Paul, MN. Del purchased twenty red-colored raffle tickets and walked away with a Yaesu FT-1802M/E VHF FM Transceiver. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
Ted Felguson of High
Bridge, WI, won $50 in cash
Daniel Landweir of Wadena, MN, won $100 in cash Elvin NØOYW of St. Cloud, MN, who won an ARRL Repeater Directory. It was donated by the ARRL. Steve WØTNT of Baxter, MN, won an ARRL Antenna Handbook donated by the ARRL Harlan Heinen of Bloomington, MN, won a $25 gift certificate from Batteries Plus in Brainerd Perry WDØFET of Sturgeon Lake, MN, won an AM/FM/TV Radio donated by Radio City Curt NØCRM of Aitkin, MN, won an ARRL book entitled From Spark to Space, donated by Radio City Terry KIØFW of Crosslake, MN, won a $25 gift certificate from Batteries Plus in Brainerd Donna Beaman of Perham, MN, won an ARRL book entitled From Spark to Space, donated by Radio City Joyce KCØJRM of Park Rapids, MN, won a copy of the 2007 ARRL Handbook donated by the ARRL Del KØDEJ won an ARRL repeater directory donated by the ARRL Al WØRC won two VCR movies |
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club members who worked at or attended the Hamfest included:
Shirley KØDCW, Lyle KØLFV, Charles W5CCL, Greg NØLJY,
Paula WØHA, Jim WØIRE,
John W3MQD, John WØJGY, Jim WØJDS,
Fritz WØKO, Curt NØCRM,
Roger WØWUG, Terry KIØFW,
Bernie KØIMN, Brian KØEOU,
Lyle KØLR, Kathy KØTHY,
and Mike KCØYSF. |
Thanks to the following
for their donations to the Brainerd Area Hamfest on July 14, 2007: Batteries Plus 923 Washington Street, Brainerd, MN. http://www.batteriesplus.com 218-824-8888 2 $25 gift certificates. ARRL Newington, CT. http://www.arrl.org 1 - Amateur Radio Handbook, 1 Antenna Handbook, and 2 Repeater Directory.
They support us, please support them. |
Jody Tweed, Reporter from
the Brainerd
Daily Dispatch newspaper, did an article on the Hamfest.
to everyone who helped make the
7th Annual Brainerd Area Hamfest a success. |
Brainerd Area Hamfest Chairman Al Doree WØRC |
This page was last updated 08/19/2007 Ø