Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
ARRL Field Day June 23-24, 2007 |
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club participated in the Annual ARRL Field Day on Saturday, June 23rd, and Sunday, June 24th. The club setup at the Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area near Crosby-Ironton, MN. The site has about 200 feet of elevation above the surrounding area. We are in the Minnesota Section of the Dakota Division of the ARRL. |
Friday, June 22nd, (l-r) Thanks to Steve WØTNT, of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, seen here shaking hands with BAARC President Lyle KØLFV, for helping make our stay at the site possible. Also there on Friday were Skee WØDCY, David KCØTGT, and Mark WØMH. |
The scenery is excellent from this site. The camera is pointed toward Ironton, MN and an seaplane is on the lake. We operated 6A MN from N46-29.06, W093-59.79 with 1377 feet of elevation above mean sea level. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
Saturday, June 23rd, (l-r) Tom WØQF and Jim WØIRE set the portable power generator in place. |
There is a problem here!! (l-r) Lyle KØLFV is told by Charles W5CCL that a compass reads way-off in this location because of the heavy concentration of iron ore. We need to find north so we can set the beam rotor. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
The crew gets the club's 3-element 20 through 10-meter beam ready to go on the tilt-over tower, which is on a trailer. |
Finally, Old Glory flies high above the beam at the Field Day site. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
(l-r) Steve KCØYTE and Mark WØMH in the BAARC Communications Trailer making 20 meter SSB contacts. |
Greg NØLJY operated 6 meters and up from a table next to his vehicle. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
(l-r) Steve WØTNT, Brian KØEOU, and Jim KCØWME operated at the top of the hill using battery power. |
Brian KØEOU recently purchased a Yaesu FT-897 HF rig and was showing off his skill in using the "mic-key" feature where two buttons on the microphone can be used as dit and dah CW keys. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
Everyone helps everyone. (l-r) Brian KØEOU, Lyle KØLFV (video camera man), Terry KIØFW, John WØJGY, visitor Lewis Gasink, and Skee WØDCY work on John's new delta-loop antenna. |
What Field Day would be complete without a camp fire? Thanks to Skee WØDCY for bringing the wood. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
Nightfall came and the BAARC Communications Trailer is alive with activity especially on 40 meters. |
(l-r) John WØJGY and his wife Terri making contacts on 20 meters. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
Tom WØQF was the most diligent operator. He made 157 CW contacts by spreading his activity over all HF bands until 3 AM on Sunday. |
Click on each photo for a better/larger view. |
In total,
310 contacts were made on
Field Day by the Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club.
Those participating this year included John WØJGY,
John’s wife Terri (no call sign yet), Charles
W5CCL, Lyle
Curt’s son Steve KCØYTE, Dave KCØTGT,
Mark WØMH, Paula
Roger WØWUG, Greg NØLJY, and
Brian KØEOU. Terry KIØFW
built an 80 meter horizontal loop, John WØJGY
brought a new 40 through 10 meter vertical loop, and Skee brought a new
80 through 10 meter GAP vertical.
There was a write-up in the Brainerd Dispatch
newspaper and a nice mention on KLKS Radio in Breezy Point, MN.
Both brought visitors to the site. That included Ray KØMRM
of McGregor,
Terry KBØOFM of St. Paul, Blenda Hagberg (no callsign
yet) from KLKS Radio, and curious members of the general public.
Thanks to Debby and Larry Goble, of Gobles Sewer Service, for
supplying a toilet facility for the BAARC crew . Debby is the
daughter of John KBØRW of Aitkin, MN,
who passed away a few years ago. The service was provided, at
a reduced rate, in John's memory.
The weather was great with overcast skies for most
of Saturday. Temperatures reached the high 80's but it was
pleasant because of a light wind.
was the BAARC 2007 Field Day Operations
Chairman. |
Story by Mark Persons WØMH | BAARC's
2006 Field Day.
Details BAARC's 2005 Field Day. Details BAARC's 2004 Field Day. Details BAARC's 2003 Field Day. Details |
Jim Talbott WØYA VP |
Our next
meeting is at Main Fire Station in Brainerd on Thursday, June 28th.
Details Hope to see you there. |
This page was posted at 5:08 PM on 06/24/07 and was last updated 07/15/2007 Ø