Brainerd Area Amateur Radio
June 23-24, 2001 Field Day
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club participated in the annual ARRL Field Day. The event was held locally in a grassy area south of the south parking lot at the East Brainerd Mall. Participants assembled on Saturday morning June 23rd to set up equipment. The official start of Field Day for on-air operating was 1 PM Central Daylight Time. The event ran until 1 PM on Sunday.
Up goes
the club tower. Left to right are Past
Club President Ken Magloughlin KAØJSW,
Past Club President Mark Persons WØMH,
visitor Frank Fernald WØBTE of Brainerd, and
Club Treasurer Bob Feuer WØZPE cranking the winch.
Photo by George KCØBH. |
stand-back view of the 2001 Field Day site.
WJJY Radio, in Brainerd, loaned a 3000 watt power generator plant to the club for the event. |
At the
main trailer are (l-r) Roger KBØUUN,
Jon KBØMNM, Shirley KCØDCW, Ken
George KCØBH, Shane KØSDT(formerly
KCANX), and Past Club President Mark WØMH.
The group is standing in front of a camper/trailer graciously loaned to the club by Lewie"s RV Center which is located at 1649 Highway 371 North in Baxter. Our thanks to them for the use of the trailer. |
Club President Mark Persons WØMH
and Club Secretary Shirley Doree KCØDCW
make contacts on 15 meters.
The sun was bright and Mark got a good suntan. Fortunately the wind was moderate which kept the mosquitoes away. Temperatures were in the mid 70's |
Terry May KIØFW and Past Club President Brian Wermager KØEOU in Terry's trailer. Brian is an avid DXer and has given a number of presentations to the club. | |
truck belongs to Roger Witt KBØUUN.
Note the curved poles on top. These hold up a 20 meter loop antenna
that is obviously larger than the truck. To bend the poles, he used
weights on nylon lines.
In the photo are Jon KBØMNM, Dave Selinger NØXHT, and Dan Selinger AAØNK. In the truck are Past Club President Ken KAØJSW, and Roger KBØUUN. |
BAARC Special Events Chairman Bob Englund KGØZK and Dan Selinger AAØNK making contacts from the main trailer. Dan was the instructor at recent ham classes in Brainerd. | |
Roger Witt KBØUUN and Jon Livingtson KBØMNM inside Roger's truck. They used the 20 meter loop antenna and a much larger 80 meter loop antenna to make contacts. | |
Jim Duit KBØTXT, His Wife Sharon KBØSQX, and Joe Bayliss NØUME. In the truck is Roger Witt KBØUUN. | |
Orcena Lyle WØQT, in her tent, making contacts. The club operated using the Club Call WØUJ as "4A Minnesota." 169 contacts were logged in North America during the event and a fun time was had by all. |
Previous Field Day event stories: 1998 1999 2000
This page was last updated 12/19/2006