Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
Club Membership Meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2007 |
The Annual After-Holidays Dinner and Member Appreciation Night drew a good crowd. It was held at the Nisswa American Legion Club. |
(l-r) Mark WØMH, his wife Paula WØHA, and Darrell ABØVP. |
(l-r) Terry KIØFW, Shirley KCØDCW, Kathy KØTHY, BAARC President Lyle KØLFV, Lyle KØLR, and Curt NØCRM. |
(l-r) Jim WØJDS, his wife Amy. John WØJGY, and his wife Terri. |
his wife Karen, Mike WAØLUG, BAARC
President Lyle KØLFV,
Lyle's wife Marilyn and Mike's wife Marilee. Unfortunately,
not everyone's photo appeared here.
BAARC President Lyle KØLFV gave a 90-slide PowerPoint presentation, with over 100 photos, on club activities for the year 2006. He gave Certificates of Membership to those attending and presented Certificates of Appreciation to those in the club who donated their time to make the club a success. A good time was had by all. |
Our next club meeting will be on March 29th and will be held at the Brainerd High School South Campus. Details Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. |
This page was last updated 02/24/2007 Ø