Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club |
Fishing Contest January 18, 2003 |
Photos by Al WØRC. |
A record number of ice
fisherman (women and children too) took to the ice Saturday, January 18,
2003, participating in the 13th Annual Brainerd Jaycees' charity $150,000 Fishing Extravaganza
on Gull Lake.
The Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club was there with 12 operators working from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. BAARC hams Ken KAØJSW provided net control services again this year flawlessly, backed up by Shirley KCØDCW and Al WØRC. They were in the club trailer, which was used for the first time this year a mile out on the 18-inch thick ice of Gull Lake. Other operators were Jon KBØMNM, Chandra KBØYXB, Zoon KA1ZNU, Terry KIØFW, Jim WAØAXB, Paula WØHA, Jim KCØANQ, Alan KCØGWB, and John WØJGY. Communication services included administrative coordination for the event committee chair-persons and public safety message handling to assist medical aid First Responders, Fire Rescue personnel, and to facilitate ambulance arrival/departure from the shoreline staging area. |
As usual, there were some small Perch caught. Some of them won prizes. The temperature was about 10 degrees with a 10-15 mile-per-hour wind. | |
Here is a good looking Walleye. This fish is what Minnesota is famous for. They are great eating. | |
A Northern...good catch.
Nearly 14, 000 participants were on the ice hoping their catch would equal one of the more than 100 prizes plus raffle drawings. This is the largest crowd in the event's history and is the only event of its type in the world. |
Chandra KBØYXB and Shirley KCØDCW at Net Control in the Club Communications Trailer. Also working Net Control was Ken KAØJSW (not pictured). | |
An outside view of the BAARC Communications
Trailer (lower right) and some of the participants.
A fun time was had by all. |
John Luce WØJGY BAARC Community Event Coordinator. |
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